Call for Proposals: CALBO’s 62nd Annual Business Meeting
Indian Wells, April 21-25, 2024
The CALBO Board of Directors has commenced development of the programming for the next Annual Business Meeting, to be held in Indian Wells from April 21-25, 2024. Our membership and industry partners are always bringing good ideas to the table that the CALBO Board would like to consider including in the ABM program.
There are two types of proposals that the CALBO Board would like to consider:
1. If you have a simple idea on a specific issue or policy area that you would like to see covered (but are not offering to present), please let us know. Suggestions could include: alternative housing, wildland-urban interface, disaster recovery and mitigation, etc.
2. If you would like to develop and present a program at the ABM, please submit the following: (1) Proposed program title, (2) A brief description of your program, approximately 3-4 sentences in length, (3) A list of all presenters and professional titles, and (4) Proposed duration of program (either 60, 75 or 90 minutes). Incomplete submissions will not be considered and presenters are responsible for their own travel and attendance expenses.
For CALBO Board consideration, please submit either proposal by Wednesday, September 20, 2023. Submissions are accepted by email only at and must be on time for consideration.
Thank you in advance for your contributions to CALBO’s 62nd Annual Business Meeting.