Legislative Presentations


Legislative Past Presentations

CALBO’s Legislative Team hosts occasional membership-wide presentations about our ongoing advocacy efforts in Sacramento. Below is an archive of the previous presentations given to our membership.

The presentations summarize the intent of proposed legislation, address how it may impact local building departments, and provides other relevant information about bills coming from Sacramento. Please note, this information and CALBO’s position may have changed on bills since the legislature moves quickly and changes legislation throughout the legislative process.  For the most up-to-date information on bills, please visit the CALBO Bill Report. 

Please note, none of the presentations or interpretations of bills should be used for legal advice as this is an interpretation of the policy developed. We strongly encourage you to reach out to your city attorneys should you have any further legal questions on state law.

Should you have any questions or concerns about CALBO’s Advocacy efforts, please contact Brady Guertin, CALBO Director of Public Affairs, at bguertin@calbo.org.


2023-2024 Legislative Session: Fall 2023 Webinar
Wednesday, November 8, 2023

This presentation focuses on the new laws that will impact local building departments in 2024. The presentation covers new legislative bills around temporary housing, ADUs, and other relevant bills that will impact building departments in the upcoming year.

In the PDF, you will find a summary of the new legislation and how local building departments can comply with the law while providing the best service to their community. Additionally, it provides a reminder about upcoming compliance deadlines for legislation passed in 2022 and 2023. Please note this is not legal advice, please consult with your city attorneys should you have any specific legal questions about current state law. 



2023 CBOAC: A History of Laws Addressing California’s Housing Crisis
Wednesday, November 1, 2023

This presentation provided attendees a snapshot of California’s political climate, CALBO’s role in advocating for our members in Sacramento, and covered relevant laws around ADUs, Temporary Housing, and streamlining permits in California.  It additionally covered upcoming compliance deadlines for local building departments and new laws that will impact building departments in California in 2024.

In the PDF, you will find a summary of California’s current political climate, CALBO’s process for reviewing legislation, and a summary of key laws addressing California’s housing crisis that impact local building departments. 



2023 Ed Week: State Laws Legislative Presentation
Thursday, October 26, 2023

This presentation provided attendees a legislative update about CALBO’s High Priority Bills for the 2023-2024 Legislative Session. This presentation covers legislative resources available on CALBO’s website, how CALBO determines bill positions in the CALBO Legislative Committee, and relevant bills during the 2023 legislative session.

In the PDF, you will find a summary of the high-priority bills for 2023 that the legislative team worked on in Sacramento this year.  Please note that this information may be outdated as the legislature constantly changes bills throughout the legislative process. 



2023-2024 Legislative Session: Summer 2023 Webinar
Wednesday, July 26, 2023

This presentation provided CALBO members with an update about CALBO’s High Priority Bills and how legislation has evolved, CALBO positions have changed, and what bills remain for the final month and a half of the legislative session, which will impact your building departments should they become law in 2024.

In the PDF, you will find a summary of the high-priority bills for 2023 that the legislative team is actively working on in Sacramento.  Please note that this information may be outdated as the legislature constantly changes bills throughout the legislative process. 

CALBO Summer 2023 Legislative Webinar


2023-2024 Legislative Session: Spring 2023 Webinar
Thursday, April 13, 2023

This presentation covers CALBO’s 2023 High Priority Legislative Bill Package as voted on and approved by the CALBO Legislative Committee during the 2023 Bill Review Period, which occurred from February to April 2023.

In the PDF, you will find a summary of the high-priority bills for 2023 that the legislative team is actively working on in Sacramento.  Please note that this information may be outdated as the legislature constantly changes bills throughout the legislative process. 


2021-2022 Legislative Session: Fall 2022 Webinar
Thursday, October 27, 2022

This presentation covers all the 2021-2022 Legislation that was signed into law by Governor Newsom during the 2021-2022 Legislative Session and has an impact on local building departments.

In the PDF, you will find the specific details of bills, how they impact local government, and ways to comply with the newly signed legislation. Please note this is not legal advice, please consult with your city attorneys should you have any specific legal questions about current state law