2023 CALBO Education Weeks
Welcome to Costa Mesa!
Whether you are attending virtually, or joining us in person, we are glad that you are here.
Attending in person? Head directly to your class! The course roster and name badges are located in your classroom.
Venue Address & Phone Number:
Hilton Orange County/Costa Mesa
3050 Bristol St | Costa Mesa, CA | 92626
Day Hotel Parking: All attendees are responsible for their own parking – whether day or overnight parking. Day self-parking at the hotel parking garage is $10.00 per vehicle, per day with a voucher provided at the event CALBO Help Desk. Rates for non-hotel parking are not guaranteed. The voucher is not valid for overnight parking.
Course Materials: Course materials were sent out last week. If you did not receive them please email the CALBO Help Desk at info@calbo.org or 916-457-1103.
IMPORTANT: Printed materials will NOT be provided onsite. All students are responsible for bringing their own materials, whether printed or on a device. Internet is provided in the classrooms. The link provided expires when the course concludes, so please save the materials to your files. Students will NOT have access to the materials at a later date.
Attending virtually? Classes begin promptly at 8am – don’t be late to log into your course.
GoToWebinar Join Link: If you did not receive a separate email from California Building Officials (customercare@gotowebinar.com) with your log-in link and directions, please respond to this email. Without this GoToWebinar email, you will not be able to attend the course and your attendance will not be tracked. Please check your SPAM and Junk Folder.
Course Materials: Course materials were sent out last week, along with your join link. If you did not receive it, please email the CALBO Help Desk at info@calbo.org or 916-457-1103. IMPORTANT: The link provided expires when the course concludes, so please save the materials to your files. Students will NOT have access to the materials at a later date.
Breaks: There will be plenty of morning and afternoon breaks along with lunch to ensure your ability to stretch and regain focus. Two ten-minute breaks are offered in the morning at 9:00am and 10:15am along with two ten-minute breaks in the afternoon at 1:15pm and 2:30pm. A full hour break is given for lunch from 11:15am – 12:15pm. These timelines are strictly followed in each classroom. IMPORTANT: If attending virtually, please do not log out during the breaks.
IMPORTANT: Virtual attendees must log in to their online classroom using their personalized link to WATCH the entire course to receive credit. If you log out or only call into the webinar with audio-only, your attendance is NOT recorded and you will not receive CEUs.
For immediate assistance during the event, please don’t hesitate in contacting the CALBO Help Desk at 916-457-1103 or info@calbo.org. We will be open from 7:15am – 3:00pm during the event.