CALBO Legislative Calendar Highlights
Check Out these Resources and Opportunities


CALBO has prepared a few different resources and opportunities for your legislative needs. Make room on your summer and fall schedules – register now!

CALBO State Laws Course and Publication

State Laws Enforced by Building Departments for 2022-2023

Thursday, October 26, 2023 at Education Week - Costa Mesa
8:00am – 3:30pm (0.6 CEUs)

Online or In-Person Attendance

This course features a completely new and updated resource publication, State Laws Enforced by Building Departments, distributed by CALBO focusing on state codes used in the daily work of building departments. It seeks to provide a better understanding of how state laws are crafted and where to look for state statutes that affect how and why we do much of our work. Focus remains on the Health and Safety Code, Government Code, Business and Professions Code and several other state codes that building departments have responsibilities with. Recent amendments to state law, laws that have been a challenge to implement and enforce, and how to better enforce to ensure compliance are course discussion topics as well.

*IMPORTANT: If you can not attend this course, the updated State Laws Enforced by Building Departments can be purchased online – click here.

Register Now – Click Here

CALBO Legislative Webinar

CALBO Fall Legislative Webinar

Wednesday, November 8, 2023 from 1:00 – 2:00pm

*Free Online Membership Opportunity (no CEUs)

In this webinar, CALBO’s legislative team updates our membership on the new laws impacting building departments and how to work within the realms of the law to provide the best service to your communities. Building officials, building department staff, code professionals, and industry colleagues are encouraged to attend this town hall format to answer questions about the current legislative session and what bills may impact your local jurisdiction in 2024. Check out the CALBO legislative page for more resources and updates.

Register for this free membership opportunity - 
Click Here

For any questions, please contact the CALBO Office or 916-457-1103.