Courses for Building-Safety Leaders
Don't Miss these Vital Topics


Are you a current department leader and/or aspiring to be an expert in your department?

As a Building Official, Director or Manager, you are expected to know what’s coming next. Attend one or more of these courses that will help you prepare your department for current California trends. Join CALBO at the 2021 CALBO Education Weeks!

Marijuana Regulation and Enforcement in California
Ontario - Monday, October 25

Why is this code topic important?

  • In 2019, the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) officially approved state regulations for cannabis businesses across the supply chain.
  • California counties have adopted new medical and/or recreational cannabis ordinances to increase local funding.
  • Most commercial cannabis licensing programs are administered by community development departments.

Understanding Apartment Buildings and Mixed Use Development from Plan Review to Inspection
Ontario - Wednesday, October 27

Why is this code topic important?

  • Used to tackle housing affordability where a work/live project combines the work and living areas in a single unit or space.
  • ​Many jurisdictions have set their own ordinances due to mixed-used development popularity in California.

California Accessory Dwelling Units of Today and Tomorrow: What We’ve Seen and What’s to Come
Ontario - Thursday, October 28

Why is this code topic important?

  • Used to create affordable and flexible housing options, specifically in high-density areas.
  • ​The rise in California legislation, including funding laws and local ordinances, making it easier for local ADU development.
  • ADU permits in California rose from 6,000 in 2018 to nearly 16,000 in 2019.
  • Almost 9,000 California ADUs were built from 2018-2019.

With both in-person and virtual training options available, don’t miss these newly developed courses – register today!

If you have any questions or concerns, please email the CALBO Office or call 916-457-1103.