Permit Technician and Plan Reviewer
Summer and Fall Trainings


Want to improve your skills as a permit technician or plan reviewer? Whether you are serving in an introductory or advanced department role, there is something for everyone! 

In-Person and Virtual Attendance Available

- Permit Technician Career Advancement: The Core Essentials
- 2022 California Building Code: Significant Changes
- Permit Technician Career Advancement: How to Properly Screen Plans for Successful Permit Services
- 2022 California Energy Code: Residential Submittal Requirements
- 2022 California Residential Code: Significant Changes
- Means of Egress in the 2022 California Building Code

Visit the CALBO Education Week Registration page for
complete course listings and registration information. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please email the CALBO Office or call 916-457-1103.