CALBO News Special Edition: 2023 Education Weeks

E-mail blast

Welcome Friend of CALBO,

At CALBO, our goal is to be the premier resource for all California code officials and industry colleagues. We hope you will find this newsletter to be of value as you protect the built environment in the Golden State.
A Publication of California Building Officials
    1111 16th Street | Sacramento, CA | 95814
     916-457-1103 |

In This Newsletter – Click Here to Read More:

- A Special Message from CALBO President, Brad Wungluck

- 2023 CTI Education Weeks: Have You Selected Your Courses?

- Welcome to the NEW Education Week Venues

- Permit Technician Career Advancement Academy – Coming this Fall

- Department Courses Created for YOU

- Need a Building and Residential Code Refresher?

- You’re Registered for the Education Weeks. Now What?

- Get Familiar with GoToWebinar – CALBO’s Online Training Platform

- Accessibility Topics Created for You

- Calling All Inspectors! Don’t Miss these Courses

- 2023 Education Weeks Instructors and Course Developers – Thank You!

- Meet our New Education Week Home in Burlingame

- Meet our New Education Week Home in Costa Mesa

- Newsletter Advertisements

- 2023 Education Weeks: Exhibitors – Thank You!

- 2023 Education Weeks: Exhibitor and Sponsorship Program

- Capitol Corner Update: July 2023

- CALBO Legislative Calendar Highlights

- Upcoming Webinar Opportunities

- An Important Reminder from the Emergency Preparedness Committee

- 2023-24 CALBO Membership Program: Don’t Forget to Renew

- CALBO Video Resources 

- CALBO Partners – Stepping Up to Support our Profession

- Building Department Listserve: An Online Platform for Our Community

- “Like” us on Facebook

- Employment and Internship Opportunities 

For any questions regarding the CALBO News, please contact the CALBO Office