Member Call to Action: Urge your Local Assemblymember to Vote NO on SB 897
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The CALBO Legislative Committee needs YOUR HELP in informing the California Legislature about some of the probable and unintended consequences of SB 897 regarding Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) in California. SB 897 by Senator Wieckowski would remove the ability of a local building department or enforcement agency to designate an occupancy change in the local building code for newly constructed and unpermitted ADUs.
As currently written, SB 897 would provide that the construction of an ADU would not designate a Group R Occupancy change under the local building code. As you all are aware, this has severe safety implications in the built industry for the public. Additionally, this bill would prohibit a local agency from denying an application for a permit to create an ADU if building code violations or unpermitted structures do not present a threat to public health and safety. The CALBO Legislative Team needs your help in informing the legislature some of the safety implications of this bill.
CALBO has been working closely with the author’s office and sponsors of the bill to address our concerns, but our proposed amendments have not yet been accepted by the author’s office. As wildfires become the norm in California, we need to make sure that new buildings comply with stricter fire-life-safety standards for a residential unit as opposed to the lower requirements for an uninhabitable space such as a garage or pool house, this bill would create an opening to not have these new ADUs up to code. Due to these implications, CALBO has opposed the bill and has been the lead witness in opposition testimony of the bill as it has moved through the legislative process.
Please sign and fill out the highlighted sections in the letter template below and send to I will pass on your letter to the correct decision-makers if our amendments are not accepted in the Assembly Appropriations committee. Please complete and return directly to me by August 1st so I can send to the proper legislators in a timely manner in advance of further legislative action.
No on SB 897 Member Template
Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to so that I can address your questions and concerns relative to the bill and our efforts in Sacramento. Thanks in advance for your help! Please talk with your local city/county officials or state legislators if you can about these issues, I am happy to provide contact information if needed for local district offices.