2019 California Building Code: Significant Changes
Registration Deadline: Thursday, July 16, 2020


Moreno Valley

Thursday, July 30, 2020
8:30am – 3:30pm 
ICC PPP #: 20349 (0.6 CEUs)
AIA Course #: 5: 2019 (6 LUs)

Moreno Valley City Hall
14177 Frederick Street
Moreno Valley, CA 92552

Parking Information: Free Parking at City Hall

This course is conducted in a workshop format with the instructor and attendees participating in active discussions of the significant non-structural revisions that assist with the transition to the latest California Building Code (CBC). The course highlights those areas that have been revised from the 2016 CBC with other code topics welcomed for discussion; chapter 11A and 11B topics are not covered in-depth. Building officials, architects, designers, engineers, plans examiners, field inspectors, and counter technicians are encouraged to attend. The course is appropriate for experienced and not-so-experienced users of the CBC. All attendees receive a joint CALBO/ICC publication.

To register, please visit the CALBO Online Registration Form

For any questions or concerns, please contact the CALBO Office or by phone at 916-457-1103.