Apply to Serve on a CALBO Policy Committee
Application Deadline: Friday, April 15, 2022 at 5:00pm


Each year, CALBO appoints active and talented members to serve on a CALBO Policy Committee. 

The lifeblood of CALBO is dependent on the work of these committees. Committee participation allows members from across the state to engage with one another and other stakeholders while strengthening our association’s work. These successes would not be possible without the dedication of members like yourself. 

Please note that all CALBO Policy Committee appointments are two-year terms.

*IMPORTANT: If you are a current CALBO Policy Committee Member, you will receive an email from CALBO regarding your Committee appointment(s). All current Committee Members need to reapply for the upcoming 2022-23 membership year.

Committee Application Deadline: Friday, April 15, 2022 at 5:00pm

To learn more about any of the CALBO Policy Committees, their current yearly goals and objectives, or their members, please visit the CALBO Policy Committees webpage. Please find the online application below the committee descriptions. 

Please complete application on bottom of page. Thank you!

Access Committee

The CALBO Access Committee is responsible for reviewing and responding to proposed changes to state disabled access regulations. These proposed changes may come from DSA, HCD or members of the disabled community. On some occasions, CALBO will be the sponsor of proposed changes to the regulations. Committee members historically have also played a major role in preparing disabled access resources for members and serving as instructors in CALBO classrooms. Committee business is conducted through teleconferences. 

Building & Fire Advisory Committee

The CALBO Building & Fire Advisory Committee is jointly sponsored by CALBO and the California Fire Chiefs Association as a collaborative. Additionally, the State Fire Marshal and representatives from their office routinely participate in meetings. The charge of the committee is to explore opportunities to enhance the ongoing working relationship between Building Officials and Fire Officials at local and statewide levels. Committee membership is balanced equally between both organizations. The Committee typically meets three times annually for a one-day meeting. CALBO covers the cost of participation for representatives. 

CALBO Training Institute (CTI)

The CALBO Training Institute (CTI) is the training and educational arm of CALBO. CTI’s core objective is to provide quality, peer oriented training on California-specific codes, regulations and management trends. Second to this, but of vital importance to CALBO, is a primary funding stream to provide membership benefits and services for the organization.  Participation as a CTI Commissioner involves approximately four, one-day meetings per year throughout the state. Additionally, Commissioners are tasked with instructing, developing, coordinating, moderating and overseeing courses as they are administered each year. Aside from formal meetings of the Commission, CTI work is done individually or in task-oriented workgroups.

Emergency Preparedness Committee

The CALBO Emergency Preparedness Committee works with related federal, state, regional and local agencies and organizations to enhance local government capacity and statewide emergency preparedness. This work becomes essential in the unfortunate times of disaster response and recovery. The Committee provides policy recommendations on related matters and creates tools and resources for the CALBO membership. The Committee meets via teleconference throughout the year. 

Energy Commission Advisory Committee

The objective of the CALBO Energy Commission Advisory Committee is to serve as a liaison between local building departments and the CEC. By doing so, the committee provides input to the CEC and its consultants on code development, enforcement and feasibility. Likewise, the Committee develops tools and presentations to aid local building departments with new and existing energy standards. Committee participation varies according to CEC activities, however most of the work of the committee is conducted via teleconference. 

Alternative Housing Committee

The CALBO Alternative Housing Committee is responsible for reviewing and responding to proposed and approved alternative housing regulations in California. On some occasions, CALBO will be the sponsor of proposed changes to the regulations. Committee members will assist in preparing resources for membership about this topic. Committee business is conducted through teleconferences. 

Legislative Committee

The CALBO Legislative Committee reviews all policy proposals made by the full-time California State Legislature, examining potential impacts on building departments and local government. CALBO’s professional staff are a part of the Committee, assisting with the development of positions and strategy for desired outcomes. Committee business is conducted via teleconference throughout the year when the State Legislature is in session, oftentimes on short notice due to rapidly changing proposals and prevailing politics.

Outreach & Communications Committee

The CALBO Outreach & Communications Committee works to professionally enhance the image of the Building Official, in addition to providing opportunities for growth within the industry.  The Committee actively works with its members and affiliated organizations on raising public awareness of the essential work of the building department. The charge of the Committee also includes work to better inform our own members and constituency. The work of the Committee is conducted via teleconference.  

State Code Committee

The charge the CALBO State Code Committee is to review state agency proposals for code changes and amendments. The work of the Committee includes the review of proposed amendments to the model codes, in addition to California state specific codes and coordination with local and statewide affiliated organizations. The State Code Committee may work with state agencies on amendments and take positions on the proposed amendments in the state Code Advisory Committee meetings when necessary. The State Code Committee Chair will coordinate with the Building Standards Commission’s Coordinating Council and membership on matters of importance to the CALBO membership. Depending on the number of proposed state amendments, the Committee may meet more frequently. Committee meetings are conducted via teleconference. 

State Licensing Boards Committee

Working with the California State Contractor’s Licensing Board (CSLB), the California Architect’s Board, and the Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists, the CALBO State Licensing Boards Committee discusses issues of mutual interest and promotes partnerships to further our service to the public. This unique committee brings together all disciplines of a project including design, construction, inspection and occupancy. The Committee provides a forum for discussion of pertinent topics and is a conduit for dissemination of information that overlaps disciplines. The Committee works to increase communication, sharing ideas, advocacy and training topics for the benefit of all.  The Committee meets via teleconference on a routine basis throughout the year. 

Structural Safety Committee

The CALBO Structural Safety Committee assists the CALBO membership in the application of seismic and structural design and inspection provisions. To meet this charge, the Committee works to develop and disseminate guidelines and recommendations for the application and interpretation of current and future codes. The Committee meets via teleconference, typically four to six times per year.