How does a Pandemic Impact Building Department Budgets? Understanding Applicable Laws in California
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How does a Pandemic Impact Building Department Budgets? Understanding Applicable Laws in California

CALBO hosted a discussion on building departments and the COVID-19 pandemic. For those unable to attend or want more time with the material, please view the webinar recording by clicking the video image. A special thank you to Jesse De Anda and Raj Patel for their course development and instruction on this topic.

Webinar Summary: This course is designed for Building Officials, Senior Plan Reviewers, Senior Inspectors, Building Department Managers and Management Analysts. This course presents the structure of budgets and their impacts with respect to budget reductions, projections, and law protection of acquired revenues. Students learn about the inter-relationships between reductions in staff, revenue, and workload management based on construction projects life expectancy requiring services your operation. A special focus is given to specific California Government Code Sections in relation to building department budget revenue.