Training Needs in California Accessibility Codes


Dear Building Officials and Building Department Staff,

Your CALBO Access Committee recognizes the importance of California’s accessibility regulations. These regulations help ensure access to public accommodations, commercial buildings, and housing for all persons. However, we also understand that these regulations are sometimes complex and ambiguous in specific situations. Therefore, we seek to promote clarity and consistency in accessibility regulations throughout California, while recognizing the authority of the local building official.

We would appreciate it if you could spend a few minutes to complete this survey and tell us what accessibility topics you feel need additional training offered and what code standards require clarification. We want to help our members by creating focused training and supporting essential code changes that clarify the standards our members enforce. 

Sections of Chapter 11A or 11B for clarification or consistency
2. Training Topics (in-person or webinar)

Please submit your response no later than 03/17/22.

We thank you and appreciate your assistance.

Tim McCormick 
Chair, CALBO Access Committee