Dear CALBO Friends and Colleagues,
As summer winds down and we enter autumn, California is again besieged by wildfires. All of us at CALBO are thinking about those impacted by the fires that have been burning this summer and those who continue to rebuild from previous years’ fires. Too many of us know what it is like to suffer loss due to fire and the arduous task it is to rebuild lives and communities. As always, CALBO stands ready to support our members in trying times. I want to thank the members who went out of their way to connect with other building officials during a time of crisis, SAP inspectors who left their families and offices to assist in other jurisdictions, and code officials of all stripes who responded to calls for mutual aid and emergency management assistance.
The cooler temperatures and turning leaves also mean it is time to learn. I am pleased to report that Education Weeks are on track in San Ramon this September and Ontario this October. Your CTI Commission has picked up some great tools from what was experienced during the height of the pandemic, and we at CALBO are not naïve to think that the threat of COVID-19 is behind us. For that reason, we continue to offer a hybrid learning model in San Ramon. Students will be welcomed on-site in accordance with the facilities’ health protocols, and we will live-stream those classes to members who cannot attend in-person this year. In contrast, Ontario will be a traditional in-person only Education Week offering. So, if you or your staff enjoyed the virtual Education Week last year, don’t miss the San Ramon hybrid offering. For registration and course offerings, visit the CALBO website.
As you continue through the newsletter, I think you will see that CALBO continues to work hard for its members. We are coming to the end of an unexpectedly exciting and challenging legislative session, CTI continues to offer incredible webinar trainings, and the planning for our 60th Annual Business Meeting in Los Angeles at the historic Biltmore Hotel is well underway. Information about Education Weeks, webinars, legislation, and our next ABM can all be found on the CALBO website.
I want to close as always by thanking you, the members, for your hard work and participation in CALBO’s efforts and events and to remind you that your CALBO Board of Directors, staff, and I are always available to you.
Shane G. Diller, M.P.A
Assistant Director, Development Services
City of Elk Grove