Articles, Newsletters & Misc.


Inspection for Solar Photovoltaics and Energy Storage Systems
Thursday, December 17, 2020

Virtual Registration Available

ICC PP Course No. 20362 (0.6 CEUs)
AIA Course No. 19: 2019 (6 LUs|HSW)

This course covers the elements required to perform field inspections of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, including observing the structural mounting, fire service access and electrical aspects needed for a code-compliant installation. Attendees learn how to confirm that the submitted plans were properly followed and recognize the common field mistakes that installers make with solar PV systems. A checklist is provided to help guide the inspector through the review process. Attendees learn specific details on what code-compliant field installations include for residential and small commercial solar PV installations. Energy storage systems (ESS) are also covered as these systems are commonly included with or added to PV systems. As solar PV systems are constantly changing and improving, this course updates enforcement on the latest codes and design trends that impact field installation of this equipment.

Visit the CALBO Education Week Registration page to register! 


Plan Check for Solar Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Systems
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

In-Person and Virtual Registration Available 

ICC PP Course No. 19749 (0.6 CEUs)
AIA Course No. 1: 2019 (6 LUs|HSW)

This course covers the elements required to perform plan check of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, including structural mounting, fire service access and electrical aspects needed for a complete plan submittal. Attendees learn to recognize the key elements necessary for a complete plan submittal for a solar PV system. A set of guidelines are used as a template for these elements. Attendees learn specific details on what a code-compliant plan includes for residential and small commercial solar PV installations. Energy storage systems (ESS) are also covered as these systems are commonly included with or added to PV systems. As solar PV systems are constantly changing and improving, this course updates enforcement on the latest codes and design trends that impact this dynamic field. ESS are also covered as these systems are incorporated into many PV systems over the next several years.

Visit the CALBO Education Week Registration page to register! 


2019 California Electrical Code: Residential and Commercial Inspection Procedures
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Virtual Registration Available

ICC PP Course No. 23885 (0.6 CEUs)
AIA Course No. 9: 2020 (6 LU|HSWs)

This course covers residential and commercial inspection procedures for compliance with the California Electrical Code, Green Code and Energy Code, including but not limited to: residential – receptacle layout, AFCI, GFCI requirements, required circuits, wiring methods, services, sub-panels and grounding for new and existing installations for inside and outside. Other subjects are covered, including commercial – wiring methods, wall and t-bar inspections, sizing boxes, box fill, de-rating conductors, expansion fittings (when required), 3-phase for WYE/DELTA panels and transformers. Attendees are encouraged to engage in class discussions and are provided with examples to assist in learning the subject matter.

Visit the CALBO Education Week Registration page to register! 


2019 California Plumbing Code: Inspection Fundamentals – AM Half Day
Monday, December 14, 2020

Virtual Attendance Available 

ICC PP Course No. 23878 (0.3 CEUs)
AIA Course No. 2: 2020 (3 LU|HSWs)

While many people say, “I know what the code says”, they typically do not know where to find the relevant information in the code book. This course covers the mechanical inspection process on residential and commercial projects from first to final inspection, while identifying what should be looked for at each stage to avoid costly and/or burdensome project delays. Rather than an in-depth code review, this course covers the most common corrections found in the field, their relevant code sections and a break down navigating the code book by its chapters. This simplified yet systematic approach to mechanical inspection also touches on concurring code considerations, such as Zoning and Energy Code requirements.

Visit the CALBO Education Week Registration page to register! 


2019 California Mechanical Code: Inspection Fundamentals – PM Half Day
Monday, December 14, 2020

Virtual Registration Available 

ICC PP Course No. 23879 (0.3 CEUs)
AIA Course No. 3: 2020 (3 LU|HSWs)

While many people say, “I know what the code says”, they typically do not know where to find the relevant information in the code book. This course covers the mechanical inspection process on residential and commercial projects from first to final inspection, while identifying what should be looked for at each stage to avoid costly and/or burdensome project delays. Rather than an in-depth code review, this course covers the most common corrections found in the field, their relevant code sections and a break down navigating the code book by its chapters. This simplified yet systematic approach to mechanical inspection also touches on concurring code considerations, such as Zoning and Energy Code requirements.

Visit the CALBO Education Week Registration page to register! 


2019 California Building Code: Significant Changes
Monday, December 14, 2020 and Wednesday, December 16, 2020

ICC PP Course No. 20349 (0.6 CEUs)
AIA Course No. 5: 2019 (6 LU|HSW)

This course is conducted in a workshop format with the instructor and attendees participating in active discussions of the significant non-structural revisions that assist with the transition to the latest California Building Code (CBC). The course highlights those areas that have been revised from the 2016 CBC with other code topics welcomed for discussion; chapter 11A and 11B topics are not covered in-depth.  Building officials, architects, designers, engineers, plans examiners, field inspectors, and counter technicians are encouraged to attend. The course is appropriate for experienced and not-so-experienced users of the CBC. All attendees receive a joint CALBO/ICC publication.

Visit the CALBO Education Week Registration page to register! 


2019 California Residential Code: Significant Changes
Thursday, May 20, 2021

ICC PP Course No. 20355 (0.6 CEUs) – In-Person
ICC PP Course No. 27536  (0.6 CEUs) – Online
AIA Course No. 12: 2019  (6 LU|HSWs)

This course examines the significant revisions to the latest California Residential Code (CRC). The course is conducted in a workshop format with the instructor and attendees participating in active discussions of the revisions. The course highlights those areas that have been revised from the 2016 CRC with other code topics always welcomed. Building officials, architects, designers, engineers, plans examiners, field inspectors, and counter technicians are encouraged to attend. All attendees receive a joint CALBO/ICC publication.

Visit the CALBO Summer Conference and Mini-Education Week page to register! 


Applying Accessibility Requirements to Alterations
Thursday, December 17, 2020

 ICC PP Course No. 19748 (0.6 CEUs)
AIA Course No. 2: 2019 (6 LU|HSWs)

This course provides an overview of how to apply Chapter 11B to alterations of public accommodations and commercial facilities. The following topics are covered: how the occupancy group affects accessibility, the importance of Chapter 2 definitions, when to use and what are the differences between technical infeasibility and hardship exemptions, when and how to use the state historic building code, ensuring consistency between the project’s plans examiner and inspector, scoping and technical requirements of path of travel upgrades. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions and examples are discussed throughout the course.

Visit the CALBO Education Week Registration page to register! 


2019 CBC Chapter 11A: Privately-Funded Multi-Family Dwelling Accessibility
Friday, May 21, 2021

ICC PP Course No. 22612 (0.6 CEUs) – In-Person
ICC PP Course No. 27539 (0.6 CEUs) – Online
AIA Course No. 35: 2019 (6 LU|HSWs)

This course provides attendees with a working understanding of the adaptable housing requirements for privately-funded multi-family dwellings in California. The course covers selected scoping and technical provisions with an emphasis on understanding the practical applicability of the requirements. Discussion and lecture assist users of the code with inspections and plan reviews of multi-family dwelling unit construction. The course meets the following continuing educational requirements: (1) HSC requirements for building department personnel, (2) BPC requirements for CA Licensed Architects, (3) AIA CES HSW Learning Units for AIA members, (4) Title 21 requirements for Certified Access. 

Visit the CALBO Summer Conference and Mini-Education Week page to register! 


2019 CBC Chapter 11B Accessibility in Public Buildings, Public Accommodations, and Commercial Buildings: History, Use and Updates
Thursday, May 20, 2021

ICC PP Course No. 20357 (0.6 CEUs) – In-Person
ICC PP Course No. 27535  (0.6 CEUs) – Online
AIA Course No. 13: 2019 (6 LU|HSWs)

This course provides attendees with a working understanding of the disabled-access provisions contained in the 2019 California Building Code, presenting on selected administrative, scoping and updated technical requirements. Supporting documents (ASTM, ANSI, Guidelines, Best Practices, etc.), tools of the trade, and inspection techniques are explored throughout the course. Local jurisdictional staff (building department, public works, parks and recreations, etc.), architects, designers, contractors, and business owners/managers are encouraged to attend. The following continuing educational requirements are met: (1) HSC requirements for building department personnel, (2) BPC requirements for CA Licensed Architects, (3) AIA CES HSW Learning Units for AIA members, (4) Title 21 requirements for Certified Access Specialist (CASp).

Visit the CALBO Summer Conference and Mini-Education Week page to register! 


2020-21 CALBO Media Packet
Spots are Filling up Fast!

The 2020-21 CALBO Media Packet is now available! Take advantage of this all-in-one resource for all your CALBO marketing needs.

The 2020-21 CALBO Media Packet includes:

- Annual CALBO Partner Program Registration: Gold (sold out!), Silver and Bronze Levels
- 2020-21 CALBO Education Week (Ontario: October 19- 22, 2020, Newport Beach: December 14-17, 2020, and San Ramon: January 25-28, 2021) exhibitor and sponsor information
- Education Weeks Lunch and Learn Program Information 
- CALBO’s 59th Annual Business Meeting (March 7-11, 2021) exhibitor and sponsor information 
- Advertising specifics for CALBO News
- CALBO Job Board information

Click Here to Learn More!

CALBO looks forward to another great year with our partners, sponsors, exhibitors and advertisers! 

For any questions regarding the CALBO Media Packet and Partner Program, please contact the CALBO Office or by phone at 916-457-1103. 


CALBO Webinars: Vital Department Resourses during the COVID-19 Transition
Watch Recorded Webinars Here

CALBO is dedicated to preparing its membership for what is next as we continue to move forward during the COVID-19 health emergency. CALBO hosted two free webinars last month that discussed important upcoming code adoption cycle information and the impact the pandemic could have on building department budgets. 

Missed one of these webinars? For those unable to attend or want more time with the material, click the title below to view each. A special thanks to Jesse De Anda, Paul Armstrong, and Raj Patel for their material development and instruction. 

Understanding the 2019 California Intervening Code Adoption Cycle: The Proposed Changes and What’s Next - Watch Now!

How does a Pandemic Impact Building Department Budgets? Understanding Applicable Laws in California - Watch Now!

Interested in attending other webinars from your home or office? Click here to review the new CALBO Training Institute webinar schedule for the upcoming summer and fall. 

For any questions, please contact the CALBO Office or by phone at 916-457-1103.


Summer and Fall CALBO Webinar Offerings
Earn CEUs from the comfort of your home or office!

In addition to Education Weeks this year, the California Training Institute is offering webinars this coming summer and into fall. These live webinars are specialized training opportunities that will provide insight into a single code topic that complements our full-day courses and are developed by our expert instructors who provide real-life experiences that are encountered on a daily basis in the building-safety environment.

CALBO Education Weeks should not be your only training opportunity for the year – register for a webinar today

Courses include:

- 2019 Energy Code Insulation and QII Requirements – 0.2 CEUs
- Alternative Housing in the 2019 California Residential Code – 0.2 CEUs
- Fire-Resistance Rated Assemblies in the 2019 California Building Code – 0.2 CEUs 
- Highlighting Significant Changes in the 2019 California Mechanical Code – 0.2 CEUs
- Highlighting Significant Changes in the 2019 California Plumbing Code – 0.2 CEUs 
- Means of Egress in the 2019 California Building Code – 0.2 CEUs 
- Occupied Roof Decks in the 2019 California Building Code – 0.2 CEUs 

Visit the Training Dates and Registrations Page for more information. Additional webinars will be released later this summer! 

For any questions or concerns, please contact the CALBO Office or by phone at 916-457-1103. 


CALBO’s COVID-19 Response Page

As jurisdictions slowly open to the public, we encourage you to utilize the newest CALBO website page, COVID-19 Response. From different departments across the Golden State sharing their “best practices” and “success stories”, to direct access to resources from state agencies and industry partners, as well as various events and webinars to keep you connected virtually, this website was developed to keep Building Officials across this state well informed and united. CALBO will continue to update this page with the most up-to-date tools, so jurisdictions can not only learn from one another, but gain valuable resources for their departmental needs.

A special thank you to the following contributors to the CALBO Member Highlight page:

City of Citrus Heights
City of Irvine
City of Livermore
City of Montclair
City of Santa Clarita
City of Santa Monica
City of Santa Paula
City of Stockton
City of Winters

Do you have a member “good news” or “best practices” story to share? Please submit them to the CALBO Office

For any questions or suggestions for this page, please contact the CALBO Office or by phone at 916-457-1103. 


A Special Message from Your 2020-21 CALBO President

Dear CALBO Friends and Colleagues,

I could not be more proud of CALBO’s membership right now. Watching how your departments have adapted to the current health crisis and evolving regulations has been an inspiration and testament to the professionalism, creativity and determination of building officials across California. As an organization, CALBO has worked hard to stay with you. I want to thank all of you who have submitted stories for us to publish, providing motivation about how you are weathering the new world of building safety regulations and continuing to push-ahead as an industry. Please continue to send us your stories. Among the other great information CALBO provides on our website, please visit the COVID-19 resource page, for member highlights, online resources, as well as a full list of COVID-19 related events and webinars. 

Looking forward to the summer and fall, CALBO continues to provide and plan for courses and other offerings to help your jurisdictions stay on top of the latest trends in building safety and code standards. As luck would have it, the CTI Commission began a project last summer to create a web-based learning platform, and I am pleased to say that our first webinars launched to great attendance and feedback in late June, with more to come. With in-person training being severely limited the past few months, CTI’s efforts to create a distance learning system is needed now more than ever. Visit the CALBO Training Dates and Registration page for a full list of upcoming webinars.

CTI has had to make other adjustments in response to COVID. The most notable being that Education Week San Ramon is being moved from September to January 25-28, 2021, remaining at the San Ramon Marriott. The other Education Week dates are unchanged, but you will see health precautions in place as we work to structure these events in strict adherence to public health and venue guidelines. Information about the great array of courses and registration information has been mailed out to members and is on the CALBO website

Last, I want to let you know more about the CALBO Annual Conference (replacement Annual Business Meeting). Out of an abundance of caution, we have rescheduled the conference portion of the Annual Business Meeting to October 4-7, at the Park Hyatt Avira Resort in Carlsbad. We hope you can join us then. If you have already registered for the 2020 ABM, you do not need to re-register; you only have to adjust your hotel and travel arrangements to the new dates. Frankly, I hear the San Diego area is better in October than July anyway. 

As always, if there is anything myself, the CALBO Board or CALBO staff can do for you, please don’t hesitate to let us know. 

Stay well, 

Shane G. Diller, M.P.A
Assistant Director, Development Services
City of Elk Grove


CALBO 58th Annual Business Meeting Webcast
Coming Together Virtually Despite the Physical Distance of COVID-19

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the CALBO 58th Annual Business Meeting took place virtually in a webcast format on April 8, 2020 to conduct association business with the start of the new membership year. CALBO Board of Directors and staff worked tirelessly to ensure a smooth transition to the online platform to encourage membership and industry participation across California despite the inability to meet in person. Class I Members were encouraged to watch and participate to ensure proper representation of member interests and the establishment of a quorum.

A special thank you to Winfred DeLeon of the City of Sacramento for serving as the Parliamentarian during the proceedings. After Mr. DeLeon established a quorum of Class I membership, the meeting began with an organizational update and fiscal report provided by President Goei. Afterwards, President-elect Shane Diller moderated a question and answer session to engage those in attendance. In order to nominate and elect this year’s officers, Immediate Past President Janes presented the report of the 2020 Nominations Committee. The report of the committee was made available to the membership the preceding day following the Nominations Committee interviews of all Board candidates.

An election of officers took place and were approved by the Class I voting membership. Thank you to Susan Dowty of the International Code Council for administering the oaths of office for the newly elected officers.

It is with great enthusiasm that we welcome the 2020-21 CALBO Board of Directors. Thank you for your commitment to service and leadership. Looking look forward to another productive year!

Mr. Shane Diller of Elk Grove, President
Mr. David Gonzalves of Loma Linda, First Vice President
Mr. Brad Wungluck of Manteca, Second Vice President
Ms. Sharon Goei of Milpitas, Immediate Past President
Mr. Mike Brinkman of Newman, Member of the Board of Directors
Mr. Victor Cuevas of Los Angeles, Member of the Board of Directors
Mr. Jesse De Anda of Beverly Hills, Member of the Board of Directors
Mr. Bryan Spain of Solvang, Member of the Board of Directors
Mr. Andrew Stuffler of Santa Barbara, Member of the Board of Directors

Announcing New CALBO Policy Committee Appointments
Thank you for your dedication!

Last week, notifications were emailed to new appointees of CALBO’s eleven policy committees. Thank you to all new and returning committee members for your contributions!

The work of the CALBO Policy Committees is the lifeblood of our organization allowing members to engage with one another and other stakeholders to strengthen our associations’s work. All CALBO Policy Committee appointments are a two-year term. Click the links below for full list of CALBO Policy Committee members. 

Access Committee
Alternative Housing Committee 
Building & Fire Advisory Committee
CALBO Training Institute
Emergency Preparedness Committee
Energy Commission Advisory Committee
Legislative Committee
Outreach & Communications Committee
State Code Committee
State Licensing Boards Committee
Structural Safety Committee

If you have any questions regarding
CALBO Policy Committees, please contact the CALBO Office


CALBO Annual Conference – Register Now

We heard that Carlsbad was nice in October, so we’ve made the FINAL move of our annual conference. As they say, third time’s a charm. With that, CALBO will be bringing our profession together in an effort for a face-to-face meeting in Carlsbad from October 4-7, 2020. Click here for a summary of the changes in a Q&A format. 

Sunday, October 4 - Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Park Hyatt Aviara Resort
7100 Aviara Resort Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92011

Visit the CALBO Annual Conference page for more information on Registration, Schedule of Events, Golf Tournament, and much more! 

For any questions regarding this event, please contact the CALBO Office.

*IMPORTANT UPDATE: If you are registered for the Carlsbad Annual Conference in July, there is no need to take action. CALBO has transferred your registration to the new October dates and have emailed you a new confirmation to you. If you have any questions, please contact CALBO and we will assist with your request. 


A Special Message from Your 2020-21 CALBO President

Dear CALBO Friends and Colleagues,

We are living history as it is being made. What we are experiencing now in the time of COVID-19 is unlike anything we, as building safety professionals or CALBO as an organization, have been through. From the initial fears brought on by a disease we still do not fully understand, to the unprecedented government response that we all play a role in, the work we are doing today is unlike anything done by those that came before us. Yes, we have had to adjust our lives and workplaces, but we push on. Bright spots and silver linings do exist. These times bring an opportunity to embrace positive innovations and CALBO will make the most of those silver linings as we did when holding our first virtual Annual Business Meeting in April. 

I cannot say what the next few months hold, but I can tell you that CALBO is here working for you, and supporting you, in confronting the insecurity that stems from the safety concerns we all hold, the fiscal deficits our agencies face, and the uncertainty about what is to come. CALBO will continue to push forward, continue to adapt where necessary, and continue to provide its members the backing we all need right now. Whether it is our advocacy efforts at state agencies and in the State Capitol; providing the training our teams need both to be efficient in their work and to keep certifications in place; or keeping building officials across California and the world connected to each other, CALBO will keep working hard to be there for you. 

Through digital efforts like the CALBO Listserve and the virtual realm of teleconferencing we have come to know, we at CALBO look forward to continuing to work hard for you and to serve you. Though it was sad, but necessary, to cancel a great opportunity to gather for training, networking, and camaraderie that we had planned in Indian Wells, I am confident that we will be able to resume serving you in-person again in the near future. Your CALBO Board and staff are staying engaged on a constant basis to evaluate what modifications may be needed to ensure that we continue to assist members, while balancing the health and safety needs of future event attendees, students, and industry partners. 

I want to close with my sincerest wishes that you, your families, and your co-workers stay healthy and safe. With a little bit of good fortune, I hope to see many of you at our revamped conference in Carlsbad, July 12-15. In the meantime, do not hesitate to reach out to me, your CALBO Board of Directors, or CALBO staff, if we can be of help. 


Shane G. Diller, M.P.A
Assistant Director, Development Services
City of Elk Grove


A Special Message from Your 2019-20 CALBO President

Dear CALBO Friends and Colleagues,

Have you made your travel plans to CALBO’s 58th Annual Business Meeting in Indian Wells?  I hope the answer is yes! Come join us April 5 – 9 in the beautiful Coachella Valley and surrounding desert for an exceptional event where we learn and share with one another, collaborate with industry colleagues, and grow and deepen our friendships.

In this special edition of the CALBO newsletter, you will find all the information about the upcoming ABM. With input from you, the CALBO Board, alongside CALBO members and staff, have been working diligently to develop programming that meets the needs of our diverse community of building professionals. The CALBO ABM is built around four unique days of topical sessions, ranging from general programs to unique workshops and interactive sessions.

The following is a highlight of the 2020 programs:
- Housing outlook and economic forecast by the California Building Industry Association
- Model code organizations presenting current industry endeavors
- FEMA panelists on hazard mitigation and recovery programs
- CALBO legislative advocacy 
- State agency representatives on the new California codes and state laws
- ISO’s Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS)
- 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake findings and lessons
- Building Officials Leadership Academy (BOLA) graduation 
- Workshops covering a changing workforce, emergency housing, seismic functional recovery, WUI and wildfire recovery process, energy storage systems, and your role in the California code development process 

Besides the robust professional development programming, we will also have fun-filled activities. A special thank you to CALBO partners, sponsors, and exhibitors for your support and participation. On Sunday, a prestigious and highly regarded Indian Wells golf course will host our golf tournament. On Tuesday evening, we will celebrate and enjoy the camaraderie at our ABM fellowship event. Throughout the week, exhibitors will showcase innovative products and services. Please be sure to visit them and network with your colleagues and community. 

If you are looking to experience a music festival in the desert, you will get to do that on Wednesday evening. Join us at the President’s Dinner for a night of great food, music, and company to celebrate CALBO and have fun!     

My term is sure flying by. It has truly been an honor to serve as CALBO President this year. I am grateful to my fellow CALBO Board members and CALBO Committee members and want to extend my gratitude to you for your tremendous work, insight, and steadfast commitment to our industry and profession. I also want to express appreciation to CALBO staff – you are an incredible team that works tirelessly behind the scenes to make everything run smoothly. I would also like to thank all of you – the CALBO membership and industry colleagues – for your unwavering support and collaboration with CALBO. Together, we are accomplishing so much, and there is so much yet to do.

I, along with the CALBO Board, look forward to seeing you in Indian Wells in April. Let’s celebrate our success and look ahead to work together to advance our profession now and into the future!  


Sharon Goei, P.E., C.B.O
Director of Building and Housing
City of Milpitas